STI Testing
Getting tested is easy
A sexual health check is a confidential check-up by a doctor or nurse for sexual health problems like STIs.
Why test?
Regular STI testing is a normal part of looking after your sexual health. Regular testing makes sure that infections are picked up and managed before they cause longer term problems to your health or are passed on to someone else.
If you are sexually active, regular sexual health checks are a good idea – even if you’ve always had safe sex.
Other reasons you should also get an STI test are:
• If you are starting a new sexual relationship or have more than one partner
• If you have had unprotected sex (without using a condom or dam), including vaginal, anal and oral sex.
• If you have had a condom break or fall off during sex
• If you have symptoms
• If your partner has an STI

Where can you get an STI test?
Visit your local:
• Doctor
• Family Planning NSW clinic
• Aboriginal Medical Service
• Sexual health clinic
Some headspace locations provide testing as well.
How much does it cost?
You usually do not need to pay anything for the STI tests if you are covered by Medicare. The doctor or clinic you attend may bulk bill (providing a free service to you) or may charge a gap fee. You can ask about any fees when booking, before a consultation.
How to make an appointment?
Give your local doctor or clinic a call ask to book in for a sexual health checkup or an STI test. No matter where you go, STI tests are confidential. Other people can’t access your health information without your permission except in rare situations; for instance, if you are at significant risk of harm to yourself or others.
To decide which test/s you may need, the doctor or nurse will ask some standard questions about:
• your general health
• your sexual history (e.g. sexual activities, any previous STIs)
• any signs or symptoms you have experienced
• any medications you may be taking
Based your answers, the doctor or nurse may offer a:
• urine test (pee in a cup)
• blood test
• swab from the back of the throat, tip of the penis or inside the vagina
• swab from a sore and/or blister
• simple physical examination
While some of the questions may seem personal, it’s important to be open and honest in your answers. This will allow you to receive the right tests and advice to keep you healthy.
Find more information about STIs and where to get a sexual health check contact Taklline on 1300 658 886.